IHS Berkeley Admissions
- Irvington high is the second best high school in Fremont behind Mission San Jose
- Last 5 years, Irvington has sent a whopping 8%+ of its class to Berkeley every year on average. Acceptance rates from Irvington high to Berkeley range between 20-25% - meaning almost 1 out of every 4-5 applicants get accepted into the top UC
- Another 4% on average go to UCLA and 12% on 5 year average go to UCSD
- So total 25% of the class size has offers from UCB, UCLA and UCSD
- Irvington high school has relatively small class sizes of less than 600 as of 2021 - this makes it easier to get electives compared to other high schools with larger class sizes
- The 5 year % of class is using the class size of 600 to compute what percent of class gets admits from which university irrespective of how many are applying
- Irvington high has been beating arch rivals Mission San Jose in 2021 and 2020 - two consecutive years
- Irvington high sent similar number of kids to Berkeley as Evergreen, Branham and Leigh combined over the last 5 years
- Irvington got more admits to Berkeley as Harker + Bellarmine combined over the last 5 years
- In 2020, Irvington high got more admits to Berkeley than entire Los Altos school district (Mountain view high and Los Altos high combined)
- In 2018, Irvington high got similar admits to Berkeley(57) than entire Los Gatos Saratoga Union high school district (58) (Los Gatos high and Saratoga high combined)
- In 2020, Irvington high got more admits to Berkeley than entire Palo Alto unified school district (Palo Alto high and Henry Gunn high combined)
What is the point of getting in to Berkeley if you don't get the course you want. Companies don't care which college you are from anymore. berkeley over enrolls kids as undeclared major and 75% of them struggle to get the major they want once they are there. They end up graduationg with Math or statistics or data science instead of Computer Science degree as comp sci is very very hard to get in at Berkeley. Kids from other UC campuses , San Diego, UCLA, Davis and Irvine end up doing what they wanted to learn and end up with good jobs overall. Research should be pulled from LinkedIn and not from high schools.