Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Timeline of 2008 - Great Financial Crisis

Investors are having a hard time trying to put the stock market and the economic performance of 2020 into perspective. Hence, I dug up the timeline of the 2008 financial crisis, with stock market performance at key points to help put things into perspective.

There were early signs that the housing industry had something brewing in 2007. Here is a rough timeline of events in 2007.
All the above commentary, as scary as it looks, are all from 2007. There were clear warnings that the crisis was cooking, but no clear measures were taken. 

S&P500 was at 1410 on Jan 12, 2007. The peak was at 1552 on July 13, 2007. It was at 1411 on Jan 4, 2008, effectively closing 2007 flat. It was at 1425 on May 16, 2008. The 2008 story follows to put the May 16, 2008 price into perspective. 

More detailed overview of the 2008 timeline available here

S&P500 was at 1292 on August 12, 2008, 1255 on Sep 19 and reached 899 on Oct 10, 2008. Market bottom was 756 on Mar 13, which was still 5 months away.

In February 2009, Congress came with another 787billion package called the American recovery and reinvestment act. The Dow dropped to its lowest in March and unemployment reached its peak 10% in Oct 2009. As you can see, by the time the worst unemployment numbers came in, stock market was already of the lows.

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