Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Coronavirus is far worse than you think

If you are not worried yet or dont think that you are old enough that Coronavirus will affect you, you are being irresponsible 

Two facts
  1. China didnt build a hospital in 10 days for nothing
  2. Italy didnt quarantine the whole nation and stop the country for simple reasons
These are unprecedented events in history

Here is some news about how things are playing out elsewhere

  1. War like situation in Italy - they have to chose who to let live and who to die
  2. A doctor's take from Italy about how hospitals are being transformed


For young people who think that they are less likely to get it and be fine even if they do, upto 20% of young people who get coronavirus could still die


1 comment:

  1. This might be some good news. It's only empirically studied so far. Chloroquine phosphate & zinc supplements.



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