Wednesday, March 4, 2020

How do you continue to develop yourself as a manager ?

  1. Continuously seek 360 degree feedback, accept it and work towards improving it - you own both the perception and the reality of the feedback as a leader
  2. Provide mentorship to others (EMs, ICs, PMs)- put yourself in a position of being able to learn recurrently from other's experiences 
  3. Delegate and auto-pilot your current team and take on more organizational responsibilities
  4. Interviews and hiring - learn from experience of TLs and EMs from other companies
  5. Read profusely
  6. Prolific writer
  7. Reflection and introspection
  8. Re-read and re-write previous blogs
  9. Networking with ex-colleagues, ex-team mates
  10. Invest in weak connections
  11. Follow the earnings call of big tech companies, understand their product strategy and direction
  12. Follow the VCs, understand the startup ecosystem, S curves, network effects and the next bets
  13. Pursue financial independence aggressively to decouple money and career
What else do you think that I should be doing to develop myself? Please let me know in comments.

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