Thursday, February 6, 2020

Chapter summary : The subtle art of not giving a F* : The feedback loop of hell

The feedback loop of hell

  1. The feedback loop of hell
    • You are anxious about being anxious of something all the time
    • You are angry about being angry too quickly all the time
    • You are worried about being worried about something all the time
  2. Social media today has bred a whole generation who believe that these negative feelings on anxiety, anger and worry are totally not ok. The feedback loop of hell has become a borderline epidemic
  3. We feel bad about feeling bag
  4. The desire for positive experiences is itself a negative experience and the acceptance of a negative experience in itelf is a positive experience.
  5. Countercultural philosopher Alan Watts calls this the law of reverse effort or the backwards law: trying to make everything right often causes things to go wrong. Watts writes, “When you try to stay on the surface of the water, you sink; but when you try to sink, you float.” Security is an illusion. It is only when we acknowledge that insecurity is an inevitable aspect of life that we cease to fear it.
  6. The avoidance of suffering is a form of suffering
  7. The avoidance of struggle is a form of struggle

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