Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Art of Goodbye Note

 Saying “goodbye” is one of those activities that seems so simple it hardly requires advance thought — and so endings creep up on us and catch us unprepared. We tend to default to our habitual responses whether or not they’ve been effective in the past. As a result we often miss opportunities to enjoy truly meaningful endings — instead they’re rushed and poorly planned — or we skip over them entirely, casting the old aside as we race toward the new.
The goal of this article is to outline a good Goodbye Note

Goodbye XYZ

Say how you were fulfilled and incredibly lucky to be a part of the XYZ mission and vision

Why are you switching team/job ?

Talk about the opportunity and how that connects to your passion

What were your proudest moments on the team ? 
  • List top 5 accomplishments
What did you learn over these years on this team ? 

Share a key theme and message

What is the outlook for the team ? 

This is important as a leader to show that you are leaving in a good note so that you dont start a landslide of departures after you leave

How will the management structure look like after you leave ? 

You may not have all these details yet, but this is just to leave a message that the change has been thought over and leadership has a plan in place. 

Pro tip 

Share the photos with the team that you have taken

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